Watch Patrik 1,5 (2008) Free Movie

Patrik, Age 1.5

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Watch Patrik 1,5 Movie Free
About: Patrik 1,5
Genres: Comedy , Drama , Romance
Categories: Swedish Dubbed

Göran and Sven have been cleared for adoption and they have a possibility to adopt a swedish orphan, Patrik 1,5. But when Patrik arrives he turns out to be someone else, not the little boy they were expecting. A comma had been misplaced, and in comes a 15-year-old homophobic with a criminal past.

Duration 98 minutes
Watched 4,049
Follow 0
Year 2008
Country Swedish
Gustaf Skarsgård
Gustaf Skarsgård
Torkel Petersson
Torkel Petersson
Tom Ljungman
Tom Ljungman
Amanda Davin
Amanda Davin
Annika Hallin
Annika Hallin
Jacob Ericksson
Jacob Ericksson
Anette Sevreus
Anette Sevreus
Mats Blomgren
Mats Blomgren
Malin Cederblad
Malin Cederblad
Antti Reini
Antti Reini