Watch Ondskan (2003) Free Movie


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Watch Ondskan Movie Free
About: Ondskan
Genres: Drama
Categories: Swedish Dubbed

Stockholm, the fifties. Though academically bright, violent pupil Erik Ponti is expelled from his state school with the headmaster’s words “there’s only one word for people like you – evil… what you need is a good thrashing, and more”. In fact already Erik frequently receives a ‘good’ thrashing at the hands of his sadistic stepfather – so he is packed off by his mother to boardingschool

Duration 113 minutes
Watched 1,844
Follow 0
Year 2003
Country Swedish
Not Rated
Andreas Wilson
Andreas Wilson
Henrik Lundström
Henrik Lundström
Gustaf Skarsgård
Gustaf Skarsgård
Linda Zilliacus
Linda Zilliacus
Jesper Salén
Jesper Salén
Mats Bergman
Mats Bergman
Johan Rabaeus
Johan Rabaeus
Marie Richardson
Marie Richardson
Lennart Hjulström
Lennart Hjulström
Björn Granath
Björn Granath