Watch Oma maa (2018) Free Movie

Land of Hope

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Watch Oma maa Movie Free
About: Oma maa
Genres: Drama , History , Romance

Anni, a daughter of a wealthy family and used to secure life, falls in love with Veikko, a war invalid of the Continuation War. Anni leaves her past behind her and starts leading the life of a pioneer, in the wild forests of northern Karelia, in a settlement farm. After a rosy start, the fate crushes Anni’s dreams and her love for Veikko is put to a test.

Duration 108 minutes
Watched 3,059
Follow 1
Year 2018
Country Finland
Suitable for ages 13 and up. (May contain profanity and violence.)
Oona Airola
Oona Airola
Konsta Laakso
Konsta Laakso
Antti Virmavirta
Antti Virmavirta
Marjaana Maijala
Marjaana Maijala
Hannu-Pekka Björkman
Hannu-Pekka Björkman
Marja Packalén
Marja Packalén
Mika Nuojua
Mika Nuojua
Pyry Äikää
Pyry Äikää
Sanna-Kaisa Palo
Sanna-Kaisa Palo
Elina Saarela
Elina Saarela