Watch do you think Israel is a murderer? (2023) Free Movie

tror du att Israel är en mördare?

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Watch do you think Israel is a murderer? Movie Free
About: do you think Israel is a murderer?
Genres: Documentary

A video about the fact that Israel intentionally targets Palestinian civilians, especially children & babies, and really loves doing so - all while claiming that their victims are the real child killers.A video about the fact that Israel intentionally targets Palestinian civilians, especially children & babies, and really loves doing so - all while claiming that their victims are the real child killers.Who killed children. Fascist Jews who use phosphorus bombs that kill innocents. The Netanyahu government, which likes to kill small children. In your opinion, humanity has no freedom from justice, and this (This is the purpose of the murderous prime minister) is to wage war all over the world. A killer who wants to drop an atomic bomb on the world.? What is the purpose of these killers? I can recommend that you watch this video very carefully

Duration 10 minutes
Watched 2,870
Follow 1
Year 2023
Country England