Watch Miłość do kwadratu jeszcze raz (2023) Free Movie

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Watch Miłość do kwadratu jeszcze raz Movie Free
About: Miłość do kwadratu jeszcze raz
Genres: Comedy , Romance

A celebrity journalist and a down-to-earth teacher find their relationship in rocky waters when a job gets in the way of their new life together.

Duration 99 minutes
Watched 1,991
Follow 1
Year 2023
Country Polen
Suitable for ages 13 and up. (May contain profanity and violence.)
Adrianna Chlebicka
Adrianna Chlebicka
Mateusz Banasiuk
Mateusz Banasiuk
Mirosław Baka
Mirosław Baka
Mikołaj Roznerski
Mikołaj Roznerski
Krzysztof Czeczot
Krzysztof Czeczot
Monika Krzywkowska
Monika Krzywkowska
Jacek Knap
Jacek Knap
Tomasz Karolak
Tomasz Karolak
Ewa Kolasińska
Ewa Kolasińska
Izabela Dąbrowska
Izabela Dąbrowska