Watch Livet efter döden (2020) Free Movie

Life After Death

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Watch Livet efter döden Movie Free
About: Livet efter döden
Genres: Comedy , Drama
Categories: Swedish Dubbed

Nisse’s wife Leila has just died but he feels he’s done enough mourning. Friends and family are overrun by Nisse who just wants the funeral to be over and done with. No fuss and no mourning here! Nisse demands to be left alone. So, there he is, with the only thing remaining – the sorrow. Nisse grows to understand that even a deep loss is no excuse to eliminate everyone and everything.

Duration 81 minutes
Watched 2,074
Follow 3
Year 2020
Country Swedish
Lena Labart
Lena Labart
Kent Sjöman
Kent Sjöman
Stan Saanila
Stan Saanila
Anna Hultin
Anna Hultin