Watch La Maison (2022) Free Movie

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Watch La Maison Movie Free
About: La Maison
Genres: Drama

Emma, a French novelist aged 27, decide to go to Berlin and join a brothel to uncover the prostitution world, the subject of her new book. Such as gonzo journalism, Emma become a prostitute and her experience, which was supposed to last a few weeks, will last two years. Was writing her book an excuse for Emma to live a shameful fantasy?

Duration 89 minutes
Watched 6,472
Follow 1
Year 2022
Country Belgium
Ana Girardot
Ana Girardot
Aure Atika
Aure Atika
Rossy de Palma
Rossy de Palma
Philippe Rebbot
Philippe Rebbot
Yannick Renier
Yannick Renier
Nikita Bellucci
Nikita Bellucci
Loriane Klupsch
Loriane Klupsch
Hildegard Schroedter
Hildegard Schroedter
Lenn Kudrjawizki
Lenn Kudrjawizki
John Robinson
John Robinson