Watch Grown Ups (2010) Free Movie

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Watch Grown Ups Movie Free
About: Grown Ups
Genres: Comedy

Trettio år efter deras High School-examen, möts fem goda vänner upp för att fira nationaldagen ihop. Allt kan hända, och det gör det också.

Grown Ups Series
Duration 102 minutes
Watched 18,041
Follow 2
Year 2010
Country America
Viewers under 13 years old can watch with their family.
Adam Sandler
Adam Sandler
Kevin James
Kevin James
Chris Rock
Chris Rock
David Spade
David Spade
Rob Schneider
Rob Schneider
Salma Hayek
Salma Hayek
Maria Bello
Maria Bello
Maya Rudolph
Maya Rudolph
Steve Buscemi
Steve Buscemi
Joyce Van Patten
Joyce Van Patten