Watch Blacklight (2022) Free Movie

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Watch Blacklight Movie Free
About: Blacklight
Genres: Action , Drama , Thriller

Travis Block is a shadowy Government agent who specializes in removing operatives whose covers have been exposed. He then has to uncover a deadly conspiracy within his own ranks that reaches the highest echelons of power. Travis Block är en dunkel regeringsagent som är specialiserad på att avlägsna agenter vars täckmantel har avslöjats. Han måste sedan avslöja en dödlig sammansvärjning inom sina egna led som når högsta maktsfärerna.

Duration 104 minutes
Watched 8,354
Follow 4
Year 2022
Country Australia
Viewers under 13 years old can watch with their family.
Liam Neeson
Liam Neeson
Emmy Raver-Lampman
Emmy Raver-Lampman
Taylor John Smith
Taylor John Smith
Aidan Quinn
Aidan Quinn
Tim Draxl
Tim Draxl
Claire van der Boom
Claire van der Boom
Michael M. Foster
Michael M. Foster
Yesse Spence
Yesse Spence
Todd Levi
Todd Levi
Yael Stone
Yael Stone